My Story
In my formal work experience, beginning with my first real job as a teenager, two out of the five long-term jobs I’ve held have been at toxic workplaces. After the most recent toxic work experience, it took about three years of dedicated, self-directed study of self-compassion, mindfulness, and emotional resilience strategies to reforge a sense of self that had been badly damaged. During my research, I learned that despite feeling alone while I was struggling in a toxic environment, I was actually nowhere near exceptional in my plight.
In fact, in representatively sampled survey data gathered in 2015, one in five workers reported that they’d left a job in the previous five years as a result of a hostile work environment.
What we’ve been conditioned to think of as an aberrant work environment is actually excessively common. And we need support structures and inner work advocates to help uplift us during and/or repair the damage after toxic work experiences. I founded Adinkra Arts Consulting, to support people in accessing the best versions of themselves. I am honored to support and guide people along their healing path as they undertake recovering from their toxic workplace wounds.
Our Mission & Values
The Mission of Adinkra Arts Consulting (AAC) is to facilitate the critical examination and revision of ideas and practices that prevent individuals and organizations from embodying their most empathetic, growth-oriented, authentic, and whole-self integrated professional cultures. We achieve this through facilitating the education and implementation of research-based strategies of self-compassion, mindfulness, and equity-focused cultural analysis to support emotionally integrated professional development for individuals and organizations.
The Vision of AAC is a consulting firm that offers individuals emotionally integrated professional development, and supportive social space, as well as offering dysfunctional organizations work culture re-envisioning interventions at the level of individual decision-maker and broader cultural practice. To foster individuals’ and organizations’ emotionally supportive milieu such that they are enabled to contribute the highest potential of their professional talents and gifts to the world.